Mommy Juice

You may not have heard the term “mommy juice” before but let me quickly fill you in on what it means.

It’s anything that makes you feel like you got your ish together
when you’ve had just one of those days being a mom.

It’s that simple! I’ve seen anything from wine to iced tea to something a little stronger, be it straight black coffee or maybe with a little Bailey’s mixed in and some days, any one of those could be my mommy juice; however, lately, mine has been looking a little different.


Every morning for the last several weeks, I’ve been mixing up one scoop of Genuine Health greens+ daily detox and one scoop of WithinUs TruMarine Collagen with roughly 16 – 20 oz of water in my Blender Bottle and I swear it’s already feeling a difference. I have more energy, which I need all the time now that I’m running after a very strong willed 2.5 year old. And even though I’ve changed up my skin care routine ever so slightly, I’m positive this is also helping my hormonal acne that has been lingering around for a really long time. I even took these individual sticks on a quick trip a few weekends ago so I could still get my fix – now I just need to find greens in the same travel-friendly packaging…


I’m so convinced that this has been working for me that when I forgot to mix one up a couple mornings ago, I instantly knew what was going on with my body when the afternoon rolled around and I could barely keep my eyes open. I hadn’t even been doing all that much that day! The sun was out, I had the morning to myself to go to an appointment and get some errands done, all leisurely, without time constraint, I might add, but when I came home, I was wiped. So I put my bottle out before I went to bed so I wouldn’t forget the next morning (and I didn’t!).

Collagen has so many amazing benefits, like helping your skin, hair and nails plus so much more but I’m sure the buzz around it has hit your Instagram and Facebook newsfeed by now so I won’t get into the all the facts about how great it is and how else it can be used (head here for all that info!) – all I’m here to tell you is that this magic powder has does wonders for me.

Do I have you convinced yet? Want to try it for yourself? Click here and get 15% off your first purchase!


Tell me – what’s your go-to mommy juice?!


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