Get the Look: Airport and Travel Style

After years of travel, on planes and in vehicles, I think I’ve finally got my airport/travel style down pat – the comfier, the better. When we went to Cuba last fall, I totally overthought my travel outfit and ended up being super uncomfortable and very overdressed when we finally made it to hot and sunny Varadero (in my defense, I was more worried about flying with my toddler and making sure I had every back-up snack and downloaded Paw Patrol episode imaginable to even THINK about myself for those flights).

Every outfit that comes to mind when I’m traveling involves some form of Lululemon leggings, it’s just a fact. So when I was put together my Pinterest inspo board, almost every picture naturally included a black legging and I’m not apologizing for that. Today, I’m rounding up some of my favourite looks for traveling, whether by land or by air, because if I’m going to be stuck in a tin can for the foreseeable future, I better damn well be comfortable.

airport style 2019

(1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.)

I’m thinking, for my next flight, a hoodiethis tee, and my favourite pair of Align Joggers will be perfect.


See? All Lululemon – I told ya so 😉 If I’m landing somewhere warm, I always wear either a tank top or t-shirt and a hoodie or sweater when I’m on board. Then I can easily slip it off and toss it into my bag when I get to my destination where it’s always much warmer. I also keep my flip flops in my bag so that I change out of my runners on the way to the hotel because there’s no better feeling then freeing those toes after a long flight!

What’s your go-to travel outfit? Tell me in the comments!

*None of the outfit photos are mine. All photos are from my Dream Closet – Airport/Travel Style Pinterest board, where you can click on them and be taken directly to their source. 

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