My Ultimate In-Flight Essentials and Carry On Packing Guide

When planning a trip, I take packing seriously. Like very seriously. Especially if that trip involves my kid (but that’s another post entirely!) or if I’m going to Hawaii (mostly because I tend to shop too much and I need to make sure I have enough room to bring everything back!). Not only do I overthink my big, checked suitcase but I go overboard with my carry-on. Like…

Where are my headphones going to be so I can get them easily?

Should I throw in these under-eye masks or
will the flight attendants think I’m weird for using them?

How am I supposed to fit in my blanket and my shoes into this small backpack?!

My next trip I’m vowing to keep my carry on as light and organized as possible because there’s a very real possibility I will need it to pack all the extra little things that don’t fit into my checked bag or any Starbucks mugs I find at HNL on the other side of security… (yes, this really happened and yes, I’m quite impressed with myself that I managed to stuff 4 big mug boxes and 6 ornament boxes into an already very full carry on – don’t ask).

First of all, let’s talk about the bag I’m taking. After using my mom’s for a couple trips, I’m finally got myself a Briggs and Riley Baseline Rolling Cabin Bag (mine is black but only available now in navy). This bag is amazing – it has so many pockets in all the convenient spots and the inside is big enough to stow away an extra pair of sandals and jacket without getting too bulky. The only problem with this bag is that it’s *just* too big to fit under the seat, so to make finding my things super simple, I’m packing all the items I’ll need in flight into my Aloha Collection pouches – I have two small ones and one mid sized one (for now anyhow 😉 ). That way I can grab my pouches before I get settled and have them handy so I’m not jumping up and getting my bag down all flight long.

What’s in my bag


The Non-Negotiable’s

  • passport and travel insurance info
  • travel documents (flight and hotel info)
  • pen
  • wallet and purse
  • anti-bacterial wipes and hand sanitizer
  • lip balm
  • Saje Healing Hands hand cream
  • Advil and Gravol
  • sunglasses



The Entertainment


The Extra’s

  • change of shoes (flip flops)
  • snacks – SmartSweets are my snack of choice right now!
  • empty water bottle – I’ll be filling this up before the flight though (in-flight water is gross!)
  • Saje nasal inhalers (fortify, stress release and energy)
  • scrunchie – Chelsea King all the way!


Since I’ll already be dressed for the cool cabin air of the plane, I’m not bothering with an extra blanket this trip but I will from time to time throw in a peshtamel towel since they take up a small amount of space and are super soft and comfy.

For my liquids and creams, I’m going to try out the reusable Beauty on the Fly bag I received from Sephora when I bought 3 travel sized items; however, the reviews are a bit here and there. Since I won’t have too much to put into this trip, I’ll give it a go but will definitely keep a ziploc bag handy just in case security doesn’t approve or the zipper breaks.

What do you always take in your carry on?

And let me know your take on the Beauty on the Fly bag! If you’re Canadian, did you get through security with it?

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